Start to read Form 3 litreature [THE PRISONER OF ZENDA]. :
~ I the story so much...about the fairy tale...
~It's better than Form 2 de litreature [POTATO PEOPLE]...not interesting de..><
so I didn't finish the story..haha..^^
Wanna change hair style...
~dont want keep long hair liao..
~im not allow to 烫直头发...cauz waste money o...haizz...then never mind lo...
~very 麻烦...every morning go to school need to tie my hair...and 我的动作太慢...他们一直催我...听到都xien a..
~都不懂要怎样绑...绑来绑去...也是乱...really headache lo...haha...
~short hair look more 精神...^^
~平时读书, 很少运动...所以假期一定要运动下的
~而且最近吃。吃。吃的...popo cook de food too nice...
~>.< I dont want become a fat girl...haha...cant imagine...
~just wanna maintain...^^
Wanna watch HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3...
~last year didn't watch in cinema...
~so watch ASTRO lo...same only la...but maybe some part cut liao...
[珠光宝气] 要做了耶!!
~got Ep 80++ so long de very xien de...
~i think more suitable for aldult...haha..
~nice show leh...
~i love it...
~原本以为not nice...but heard qian say nice last time...then watch lo...怎知道酱好看的..^^
不懂还有去哪里玩叻?? just stay at home felt boring leh...